Where The Love Is

LZ Russell Association is a Historical Archive, Educational Service, Veteran’s Service and Humanitarian Organization.  As small as our organization is, we have managed to make a positive difference in this world and hope to continue to do so through the generous support of our members and friends.


Open Heart



Welcome Home

Wounded Warrior

Iraq War Memorial

We have also provided
Dress Blues Uniforms
for sons of LZ Russell
members who have graduated
from Marine Corps Bootcamp.

We have not let our brothers be forgotten in this generation and maybe many generations to come.

We have helped so many find the healing and peace they needed, even saved a few lives.

We have created a place to share memories with people who understand and care.

We have shown the world another side of war and another side of Love.

We have brought forth beauty from the ashes of despair.

 If any of us should return to our maker tomorrow,

Know that we created a beautiful legacy,

Anyone can be proud to be a part of,

Through the expression of



 Thank you for your support. 



If you would like to be part of this rewarding experience, please contact our Humanitarian Projects Director, Larry Hammer .