Honorary Members

Roster Home Honorary LZRA Officers Your Page


Edward C. Akel:

Contributed his time and legal expertise to making LZ Russell Association a legal non-profit corporation. 

Mr. Akel specializes in Estate, Tax and Corporate law.

One Independent Dr. 
Suite 2301 
Jacksonville, FL  32202


Susan Bachnik: Deceased

Helped set up and coordinated every reunion we had, bringing an added bonus of good cheer of the highest order.  We will miss her.


Carla Heins:

Continuous and quality assistance in many administrative tasks for LZ Russell.  Serves as LZ Russell Association's Secretary.



Ron Martz:

Reporter, Atlanta Journal Constitution, http://www.ajc.com . Ron allowed us to post his great article about the mystery surrounding the disappearance of James Jackson, LZ Russell’s only MIA.  Please contact him if you have information about James Jackson.



Dr. Roger Pitman: 

Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School and the world's leading authority on combat related PTSD, Dr. Pitman has made many contributions in  PTSD education and services for LZ Russell members.



Dan Post:

(LZ Cates) Contributor of many hard to find documents and historical data.


John H. Taylor:

Executive Director of the Nixon Library , authorized and conducted extensive research in the National Archives to provide LZ Russell with the “Nixon Papers” shown in our Historical Documents section, as well as making the LZ Russell Association web partners with the Nixon Library.


Tom Tilque:

LZ Russell Association Webmaster.  One of the LZ's founders in getting this web site rolling and continues to help keep it running smoothly as the LZ's newest Webmaster and Graphics Director.  A real friend of the LZ.


Mark Wayland:

Formerly stationed on Hill 861.  Continued support in historical research and graphics.



Roster Home Honorary LZRA Officers Your Page


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